Meet the Board Members

17 days ago

All members of the Esmeralda County School District Board of Trustees are in the process of completing a minimum of six hours of professional development as required by NRS Chapter 386 (AB451).  
Trisha Hafer

Carl Brownfield

Board President

Carl Brownfield

Paul Melendrez

Board Vice-President

Anna Pacheco

Anna Pacheco


J. Paul Melendrez

Marlayna Payne


Fred Hartman

Trinie Johnson


Dr. M. Neil Terhune

James D. Fossett


Mary Ann Horton, District Board / Admin. Support
PO Box 129, Dyer, NV 89013
Office 775-572-3250; Fax 775-572-3310

Winifred L. Sanderson, District Board / Admin. Support
PO Box 129, Dyer, NV 89013
Office 775-572-3250; Fax 775-572-3310

Melinda Melendrez

By Winifred Sanderson


17 days ago

Esmeralda County School District

James D. Fossett, Superintendent, EsCSD

Physical Address 
Goldfield:  5th & Ramsey, Goldfield, NV 89013
Dyer:  MM 11 Hwy 264, Dyer, NV 89010
Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 129
Dyer, Nevada 89010
Goldfield Office 775-485-6382
Goldfield Fax 775-485-3511
Dyer Office 775-572-3250
Dyer Office Fax 775-572-3310

*A translated copy of this document will be made available upon request by calling 775-572-3250. 

* Una copia traducida de este documento estará disponible a pedido llamando al 775-572-3250.

Superintendent’s Board Report for June 2024

James D. Fossett, Superintendent

Important Dates:

School Board Meeting June 25th     - Goldfield 5:00 PM

Independence Day July 4th - Federal Holiday

Goldfield Days August 2nd-4th - Big Party in Goldfield

General Comments: 

Summer School has had the largest attendance in memory, with students turning out in large numbers to participate in the Summer STEM Camp. The entire district (summer school students) met at the Silver Peak swimming pool for the first ever summer school district event. What a great way to stay cool! 

PLC/Safety Committee: 

The new EOP is out with changes, updates, and a School Board review coming up in the June board meeting. The ALT team has put in an exceptional amount of time this summer working on grants, leadership academy collaboration, and putting on summer school.  

District Facilities and Bus Update: 

EsCSD maintenance and transportation team has been working hard all summer to make sure buses, buildings, and grounds are ship shape and ready for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Thank you EsCSD maintenance and transportation team!


On July 30th - 3rd a select team will be attending the kick-off of the NDE Future of Learning Convening in Ely, Nevada. The work being undertaken has the potential to affect education in Nevada for decades to come!