Meet the Board Members

5 days ago

All members of the Esmeralda County School District Board of Trustees are in the process of completing a minimum of six hours of professional development as required by NRS Chapter 386 (AB451).  
Trisha Hafer

Carl Brownfield

Board President

Carl Brownfield

Nicole Medlock

Board Member

Anna Pacheco

Anna Pacheco


J. Paul Melendrez

Marlayna Payne


Fred Hartman

Trinie Johnson

Vice President

Dr. M. Neil Terhune

James D. Fossett


Mary Ann Horton, District Board / Admin. Support
PO Box 129, Dyer, NV 89013
Office 775-572-3250; Fax 775-572-3310

Winifred L. Sanderson, District Board / Admin. Support
PO Box 129, Dyer, NV 89013
Office 775-572-3250; Fax 775-572-3310

Melinda Melendrez

By Winifred Sanderson


5 days ago

Esmeralda County School District

James D. Fossett, Superintendent, EsCSD

Physical Address 
Goldfield:  5th & Ramsey, Goldfield, NV 89013
Dyer:  MM 11 Hwy 264, Dyer, NV 89010
Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 129
Dyer, Nevada 89010
Goldfield Office 775-485-6382
Goldfield Fax 775-485-3511
Dyer Office 775-572-3250
Dyer Office Fax 775-572-3310

*A translated copy of this document will be made available upon request by calling 775-572-3250. 

* Una copia traducida de este documento estará disponible a pedido llamando al 775-572-3250.

Superintendent’s Board Report for February 2025

James D. Fossett, Superintendent

Important Dates:


Middle School Basketball Game

February 1st

- S. Regionals - GF 

EsCSD Leadership & Safety Meeting

February 4th

- Tuesday

Middle School Basketball Game 

February 8th

- Champion. - Eureka

School Board Meeting

February 11th

- Goldfield 5:00 PM

Valentines Day

February 14th

- Friday

Presidents Day

February 17th

- No School 

ACT Testing

February 24th

- Monday - Dyer 

ACT Testing

February 25th

- Tuesday - Goldfield

Silver State SEAL

February 25th-27th

- Dental Sealants


General Comments: 

January has flown by with winter break, basketball season, and hydroponics grow beds being replanted, and larger grow towers getting their first seeding. There have been some very sweet greens coming out of our water gardens! We are proud of all the teachers and students in EsCSD and all the work that has gone into their successes. February is another busy month, so watch for flyers coming home with dates and times, as-well-as our webpage and school Facebook pages. 


PLC/Safety Committee: 

As we start the new calendar year, the Safety Committee will be looking at types of online training we need to address and what we have learned, in semester 1 of this school year, about areas we need to improve, or just know more about. Our fairly new phone and PA systems, along with our single point of entry, and safety cameras, are being constantly monitored, updated, and evaluated for effectiveness. Special thanks to maintenance staff, and technology support for all they do to keep these systems in peak shape and our school sites safe and secure.  


District Facilities and Transportation Update: 

All of our buses were inspected and we are in the process of having those repairs completed. Some had minor air leaks, some were getting close to needing brakes. Special thanks to our bus drivers, new mobile mechanic support, and all those who are making sure students get where they need to safely. 



We are in a new legislative session and that always means change and new things to work on. As of now, EsCSD is on track. We have the buses running, students in classes (we were just complimented by the state during a visit on how well behaved our students are), and staff members are doing a great job. Our observations of classrooms have revealed a wonderful example of caring educators and well run classrooms. The basketball season is winding down and students have practiced and played hard! 

Go Mustangs!

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