Meet the Board Members

a month ago

All members of the Esmeralda County School District Board of Trustees are in the process of completing a minimum of six hours of professional development as required by NRS Chapter 386 (AB451).  
Trisha Hafer

Carl Brownfield

Board President

Carl Brownfield

Paul Melendrez

Board Vice-President

Anna Pacheco

Anna Pacheco


J. Paul Melendrez

Marlayna Payne


Fred Hartman

Trinie Johnson


Dr. M. Neil Terhune

James D. Fossett


Mary Ann Horton, District Board / Admin. Support
PO Box 129, Dyer, NV 89013
Office 775-572-3250; Fax 775-572-3310

Winifred L. Sanderson, District Board / Admin. Support
PO Box 129, Dyer, NV 89013
Office 775-572-3250; Fax 775-572-3310

Melinda Melendrez

By Winifred Sanderson


12 days ago

Esmeralda County School District

James D. Fossett, Superintendent, EsCSD

Physical Address 
Goldfield:  5th & Ramsey, Goldfield, NV 89013
Dyer:  MM 11 Hwy 264, Dyer, NV 89010
Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 129
Dyer, Nevada 89010
Goldfield Office 775-485-6382
Goldfield Fax 775-485-3511
Dyer Office 775-572-3250
Dyer Office Fax 775-572-3310

*A translated copy of this document will be made available upon request by calling 775-572-3250. 

* Una copia traducida de este documento estará disponible a pedido llamando al 775-572-3250.

Superintendent’s Board Report for October 2024

James D. Fossett, Superintendent

Important Dates:

EsCSD Leadership & Safety Meeting       October 1st - Tuesday, Goldfield

School Board Meeting       October 8th     - Goldfield 5:00 PM

Professional Development       October 11th - Friday, Goldfield in person

District Halloween Parade       October 31st - Thursday in Goldfield

General Comments: 

In September school leaders planned and completed our first district-wide student activity day  of the year with all students visiting a local farm in Dyer. In October, we will celebrate the third annual district parade in Goldfield. Sheriff, Fire, Court House, and local businesses will host the students of Esmeralda County School District in one of the finest parades of the year! Other district events this year include: the November Thanksgiving gather/Social Studies Fair to be held in Dyer, the Spelling Bee to be held in February, in Silver Peak. Watch for flyers coming home with dates and times, as-well-as our webpage and school Facebook pages.

PLC/Safety Committee: 

This October  we will have our Safety Committee meeting on the very first day of the month, and site leaders will lay out their plans for staff and student training and drills to be held this month. We want to thank the local Sheriff and his deputies for the wonderful collaborative support they have given to our schools. Teamwork makes the dream work.

District Facilities and Bus Update: 

As we have moved down the path of continually improving our STEM labs and hands on learning, this year we have applied for a grant for a Hydroponics lab and have already received the equipment. This winter students will be growing fresh vegetables and studying plants. The launch will be held in Goldfield with other site leaders learning together about the process for lab setup, maintenance, and curricular coordination. 


During the October School Board meeting we will be hearing from Sam Holt, Student Body President from Goldfield. He will be the first in the series of students this year, as each school will have its Student Body President share with the School Board and become more familiar with board governance.